admitting,that day, it was a very tiring day. hmm,but i atleast enjoy it kann. haa. lets start from the start-line for suree.
i woke up Early on that/this day, because i know i am gonna go to the beach today, so wanna keep self healthy and sedar dari jaga. ehh,apahn. hehe. soo, okayy.. around 8Am like that,umpp.. so whuut, still awal tuu. i like it thouu.
start bangun taruuuuus ku mandii tapi ada jua lah singgah kitchen for a lil while kannn curi makan. haha, nice nice (Y) !
Fisrt, ngusut kuu, likee.. ahh!?!? going to tutong? whatabout my event?? ehh,baiee. umm,okayy. fine,gona leave myself at home. :( aduiih. sekalii nya,ada tia nii. ku pikirr-pikirr since ani early ada tu karang bebunyi. HAHA.. okaaaaaay, so i went to rumah nini thoo charge my psp arah ka's lappy, ahhh! don't know how to stop her from photoshoping ayu-shuya. well, so whutt. don't care though.
next, i heard this voice calling my name asking for compliments or comments or whatevah. "ZAAAAAAH! liatt ni, cemani lawa? or this one? or this one? orrr... which one do you like?? with big smile on the face =D" oh,thats her. all i can say is,"that one,yeah. bye." well. tahst what i plan thou. Although i expect her,she's gonna say,"boring kau ani eh!!!". HAHA,sungguh pun begitu,saya tidak hiraukan. ehh whathell.
From 9:00 to 12:00 kamii di Rumah nini, nini buring, inda ya becakapp, she said,"tulii bah." aduuh,mengakun lagii.. aduii. :D
12:00 to 1:00+ lunch at Khaz Corner, ordered Sweet&sour chicken, oh nyummy and Apple Juice, seperti biasa. damnn, semua suka that restaurant, congratulations KHAZ' s chef!!
2:00 to 2:00+ di kadai kalingg. balii foods,plastic spoons,plastic plates and plastic cups,that's all i bought for the beach thingy. :D
2:00 to 5:00+ di Pantai Berakas with Friends di SMMG. ohh,gila. panjang ceritanya. hehe. datang sana, banyak dah durang sana. yeah. Ezwa brought her uncle suruh masakkan BBQ, eh kesian ehh. tapi okayy tu, asal orang beruunai ada nafsu ku makan tuu. jangan saja aku tauukalau aku makan di kadai kaling yang masak kaling sudah. heeee. Then,Jirah was like ia aga aku, start tia ia be-temeng sama akuu.. so, i tidak layan. :D sikit-sikit saja, macam aku baru kenal ia wahh. haha! her hair was so panjang sampai ke belakangg kan separuh ia punya height. XDDD sorry,no offense baby. :D
happening thooo.
teachers yang datang Teacher Haida and son and husband anddddd Teacher Soenerty and son. cutee~
2C pun datang, we happened to not to invite 2B because the organiser inda suka 2B's, 2Bitchy! you say. :D theen,kami turun ke bawah.. arah pantaii.. siukk lah. for the first time. it was a successful event. :DD aku malas buka socks, so tarus buka kasut main pasir, aboslutely! kamahh. auu. lurus tu. ada this part phone ku ter-gugur!! masuk pasirr, haha. thenn, aku buka my sock.. kamah pulangg kana pasir, gegegeegege.. masukkan arah pocket. ehh,EWW!! makan BBQ Chickens, nyaman jugaa. oh,sedappp. gila, guys SMOKING and ada bawa WINE! shit eh. haha.
aku kahir balikk.. the waitress nya si Amal and Alif and Huda.
pictures arahh durang jirah and huda,durang kariit. =DD
5:00 to 6:00+ di Hua Ho delima. balii kasutt zatuul,uh whatevaah. ani kan aku berbauu busukk yangggg bulihh diffuse kuat. haha.
6:00 to 6:02 di kedai jahit mit aishah. kalii inda buka. haha!
isuuuk nya periksa Fiqh2. alum ku ready, inda ku tebaca. tertidur, so yeah. antam tahh, baca time pagi-pagi. aduii,masuk kah inda~ :D