Thursday, July 31, 2008

trying to expose the thing i used to love.

My old friend is having a small business here.. all i am trying to do is help even tho its not helping that much. atleast i try.


(picture above : not sure if its the correct one,internet wah! XD )

Ghost Bicycle whatever it cost $30. (above photo)

<--- Cheapest. [iHopeItsTheRightOne]

and The Cheapest Deck cost $20.

You might be shock cos their Viper cost $20. [ithinkitscheap]

and the Ultra Gaff, the most expensive decks for sell cost $70 [spades sell it for $80].

Girl, Shadow master cost $30. [quiteCheapAiyayay]

Hummer deck cards for $50. [iaDapatTerbang,HeTold]

And if you wanna know how it looks like,you may see the picture below. (:

oh,not to forget.. look at thos GREEN! made it Green cos I'm not sure about their prices, so if you're interested just ask me by my chat box... i'll try to help you. (: IDKY means I DON'T KNOW YET.

Picture taken from flickr [thankYou] , Not sure if the items sold looks like the one in the picture. I edited it and i will still credit you RickMarMerc. Thank You! (:

"For your information, The decks are not from Asean,quite far and good quality? you have to tell me that. ;D"

That's all the info i have and i'm not sure if they are all true and right. Cos I'm kinda confused at some parts.

anyone interested may talk to me first and i'll give you the right person's contact to talk with. (;

to tell or not to tell?

too bad,flu! asked her whats the cause,and she told me its because of the air-conditioner. all over again. yeah, i know air-cond is like the cool thing right. i know. thats the reason why everyone loves it. and i'm right there, there for the same reason. gah! flu man flu. i hate it i hate. gahh! well, unfortunately i still enjoy the passion of cold water! damn it. inda buleh wah inda! haaa,she told me to do the compression thingy which i refused cause it doesnt work when i had my red-eye.. so,i followed the long way. :P first, took my shower with the highest temperature eventhoo i think lah , i made it 60 degree celcius only like hell no, not 100degree! i don't wanna die just because of that stupid reason..
then,ate hot meals.. i ate Maggi. only! :'( haha. i know. and eat it while its still hot. cause were inside the HOT THINGY WATEHVER. ;D wateh baby wateh not whate. HAHA! apakan.

then,ate panadol. haha! so stupid lah ya know, its the soluble thingy.. i put it in the water,daa~ ahh,i was so scared that the solution wont give a good result if i leave it for couple of minutes,yatahh.. drank it immediately. guess what,the tablet balumm hancur banar! damn it! stuck arah somewhere in my neck. like,whatthefuck. then,i hate it. ;P I thought ia masuk arah halkum not marii' haha! thats what my religious teacher told me and will cause me to sleep underground. ;p get it,no? :P

i was so scared i thought that i'm gonna die just because of the soluble panadol. haha! semua ni eh~

-------------------------------------------------too lazy to click new post----------------------------------------------------

oh,nyway.. i didn't attend ugama this morning and no reasons at all and i guess laa, they think its because of my sickness. which is a "not really". i was supposed to be memorizing amali yesterday. then,sick tia. so i can't really concentrate lah. yatah.. i don't wanna stand outside of the class just because of that,hell no. (; PALUIII.. guess what! ONE MORE SCHOOL DAY LEFT TILL ORALS! like wtfwtf! :'( i didn't hafal half of amali's stuffs you know! me so sad,you no sad? :'(

------------------------------------------------too lazy to click new post-----------------------------------------------------

oh. school. be a photocopy-machine. ;P searched for answers. then,Jir called me out and i was shocked.. and whoa!! some fans wanted to meet me [no,kidding XD ] and i met them,oh how sweet [apa kes ni? haha!] . okay,wtf! i don't knowwwwwwwwwww.. and the rest of the story? meet me if you are interested..

and followed by the other classes. god,maths.. Me,wani,ummi and Mang yin left aside lagi. well, we're still having fun! :') haha , focus too much on the exercise. glad to have the same answers like them all. ;P

oh. ICT! computer ku ah, antah be Virus kali nya. aku click refresh sekali. keluar 60 Windows! palui. ehh,ku off eh. just leave it. ;D

------------------------------------------------------------------------------lazy-------you know-----------that----------------

weee. i'm still sick,no one knows that I'm happy inside [just kidding,okay okay?] gahh! ;'(

The end of my three random posts.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Ya babeh! my latest post was about *lupaku*?
Start hari Sunday lah~

Okayy. pagi! kana bangunkan ulih babu then took my shower and asked to go to Yayasan with her,ahh.. okay,ON ON. XD spent the $150 vouchers before expired nya datang.
okay,f* it,boring! ARHHHHHHHHHHHH! i meant,this post is boring. kinda~

went home at something something dakat pukul 12AM and more than that..
ha,relaxed a bit and off to Mall, 2nd Level! apanahhh? Kristal Kids Idol~
the champion was Bridget, filipinos? i think!
and the 2nd winner was my own nephew/niece *confuse wah,a girl ani apa? niece kah? arhh!^#$%& * Sa'adatun Yasmin! but she called herself Yaz. :P kan jadi glamour sudah...
she sang Hannah Montana and its a nice try lah and she's going to JAKARTA! like,whooa! HAHA! Yaz; its okay if you don't wanna go there, leave it to me. :P and i guess her prizes costs up to 5DIGITS! i guess lah,don't blame me if i got wrong~

then,the programme finished around 3 and Mum got to go to Smarter for the meeting. and the hell,no! i dont wanna go home yet,so Mum left us there and gave us some cash. ;P Kaka's pissed! thats common.. kan? HAHAHA!

ordered Creepe's and guess what! it took so long cause we didn't know that ada sudah customer who ordered,what i meant it,ordered banyak CREEPES! like,uhh. it took us half-an-hour just to wait for it like,dude.. uh!

nahh,thats so long! and its boring,so lets move on with the next next story.

MONDAY! nothing special..
TUESDAY! yesterday.. our class have six rows aight,and the girls hogged 2 rows,2 Tables per row. and the guys! WHAT A FANTASTIC RIGHT DAY FOR THEM TO ENJOY! :( haha~ 4 ROWS! and kami wah, 4 Girls saja.. and its our CCA day, i am the only one in Photography~ uhh! yatah,lonely.. HAHA! but nahh,upper secondary's pals! :D and i was sick,kinda sick.. so,i don't wanna stand too close or they'll ya know! ;D

and next week! more lonelier. Prefects and PRS Students outing to Biro. ;D kinda cool eyy,we are going to use that ** LAB! wehee. :P wont state it or they'll go jealous and cancel their outing. :P HAHA!

My running nose! :( arah bomoh ku ni mun nada ubat nya. HAHA! apaaakan~ :D
Its still running. :(

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I WATCHED CAMP ROCK BEBEH! like,it rocks! camp rock wah eh. COOLIE! ;D its like the coolest movie.. well,not really. but Joe! Joe! one of the main actor! Rasa ingin mati..

others opinion about this movie i think lah,macam high school musical lah bla bla bla. i'm not into HSM but this Camp Rock rocks! if ada camp Rock 2, i'm so gonna go after it! haha! i' don't care about your opinion cause i'm in love. ;P

their main characters! New actor and actress, they seriously pandai berlakon. like,huhu! fascinating. :P HAHA! i want you to watch it, thats all cause i know you wont regret.



i don't know whats happening right now!

I'm the game called puzzle where lots of pieces are left incomplete.

problems,oh! why are you here for me,i told you decades ago already,I'd never ever love you!

like WTF man! khdfjkni24ytfksnvkwytonvwoirtuofnguiygisnvowriuadnsfhcnjfhqoidnoaidfhaklfnhkla thats me! ugh.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

i love you.

Buenos días a todo. Adoro a la persona que necesito y eso para usted saber. La persona que adoro con el respira exhalé. Adorar a un tipo está como respirar. Así que yo nunca podría permitir que lo vaya como eso. Cada vez yo cerré los ojos, yo veo la cara bonita suya con una sonrisa larga situada en ambos fin de las orejas con 32 dentadura
completa que chispea ojos mientras estuve a 2 millas que usted sonríe en mí como usted nunca le quiso nunca visto mí usted sabe te quiero tanto y usted sabe que yo no deseo que usted vaya y adiós adiós. (:

and i think i love Joe Jonas too but more to cescy. :P

I prefer his hair here.. how cool! ;D
omg. he looks cute! :D
he looks gay here, inda apa.. still hot! :D
one of his hairstyles.
and now way,thats not him.. but its him! =( curly hairs! Kevin saja wah. HAHA!
and He LOOKS hotter here.


tried some blogthings.

it was quite fun and all but yeah,why 20 years old and why that old? inda apa inda apa. and nah,descriptions and what i think about the others inda tahh ku pedulii. just tell me you know me kekeke.. and dont lie. haha! XD

You Act Like You Are 20 Years Old

You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.

You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.

The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.

Guys Think You're Easy to Be With... But Not Easy

You're definitely a flirt - and a good one.

But you also know that you shouldn't make a move on any cute guy who passes by.

You save your seductive moves for someone who already knows the real you.

That way, your sex appeal is just part of the whole package.

You Are 44% Weirdo

You're definitely quite strange, but you can act like a normal person when you have to.

(But just because you can act normally, it certainly doesn't mean you want to!)

You have normal aspects to your personality... but you usually don't choose to emphasize them.

It's 80% Love and 20% Lust

You and your guy are truly in love, even if that spark seems to be a little dimmer.

What Your Sunglasses Say About You

You are competent, direct, and powerful.

You are focused on success in all aspects of your life.

You need to be shaded from moochers and parasitic people.

You feel sunniest when you're around people as driven and and brilliant as you are.

Your Learning Style: Unconventional and Insightful

You are very intuitive and ingenious. You're attracted to any field of study that lets you break the rules.

You Should Study:


Art history


Comparative religions

Eastern religion




MUSIC kaliah! I'D LOVE TO! ...

Your True Love Is a Pisces

Why you'll love a Pisces:

Selfless and intuitive, you are perfect for a Pisces that lives to love you.

You're sensitive enough to appreciate and explore the deep emotions of a Pisces.

Why a Pisces will love you:

You're generous and totally giving in relationships, something Pisces demands.

You are also dreamy enough to get lost in fantasy with Pisces, but realistic enough to stay grounded.

apa? aduii.. PISCES is my STAR and noway, indakan percaya banar.. haha! i want Virgo! haha,taie. (:

You Are Somewhat Honest

You do tend to tell the truth a lot

But you also stretch the truth on occasion

You figure a little lie isn't a big deal

As long as it doesn't hurt anyone too much!

Your Goth Name is:

Autumn Malaise

You Are Downtown

You're a funky spirit that requires freedom to live.

Your city girl persona needs adventure, diversity, and great pizza.

You Are a Skin Deep Sweetheart

You may be supermodel gorgeous or a plain Jane.

It really doesn't matter, because you're confident and secure.

You don't go out looking like a slob, but you are low maintenance.

You have better things to worry about than whether your nails are the right shade!

should say enough. :P
too bored and now too sad. :) yes or no? antam

Friday, July 25, 2008

now,now.. haha!

i made the thing! yes the thing! that i dont know what the name is! the link! with the graphic ituu! i call it Tab, lurus or not.. maybe i dont care. XD if you're willing to tell,drop by my tagbox. ;D haha! kalau kau baikk jua tu ah!

and yeahh,a bit too simple cause i'm not using Photoshop, I'm using PAINT! hahaaaa. no lah, its a software i found. instant saja! XD well, atleast its not like the PAINT atu. annoying! haha.
and i made the 'tab' using three softwares! guess lah,betukar-tukar lah tu. haha! don't know berapa lama,3 hours maybe. well,NOT! less than two. cause its simplee. XD

it was my first try.. apa lagi,paste it into your blog. ;p please! ;P

...and i want to know, what do you think of my tab? tell me on my tag box. :P thankyou-thankyou..

P/s: thats me with the sunglasses on, believe it or not. (:

i found it.

I found this on an ad given by someone.. well,it looks cool anyway so i tried to make something unique and better than this.. well i hope you're going to keep on scrolling down till you reach the next photo. ;D please dont scream or puke,its just .. ;D






haha! for your information, the model was not me. it was someone i appointed and you should just enjoy it. :P and keep it shut i don't wanna get caught. :P well,it seriously looks pretty disgusting but i enjoy taking pictures of it thoo. haha! yah,zoom in! its an AD and its also a tutorial picture! on how to pick your nose politely or you'll tear it into half when you're in a rush while the thing inside it tickles you. :P KIDDING KIDDING,SIR! don't be serious. ITS CUTE ,SIR. XD i love it. ;p

and i tasted it! haha,not this one,yang atassssssssssss sekali! haha!

enjoy zooming it in! :p or you wouldnt. =P

Thursday, July 24, 2008

is dead and you

You're keeping it aside. and its dying! aaaaaa! :'(
keep it alive! =( puhleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease =)
up to you anyway please. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Things you need to know,i thinkk. HAHA!

I WRITE whatever I WANT
I DO whatever I NEED

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am back! you know thatttt? i change my URL back to the original link since everyone kept on asking me whats my url. HAHA! i just wanna keep it closed but then,you know.. HAHA! i opened it so fast. naaah,dont care! (=

for you guys~ haha!

Welcome Bro Isa to the Bloggie World! I HOPE YOU'RE GONNA ENJOY IT! ;D

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


everything happened right at the same time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

who's bored?

you bored? no? bye!

hello! you bored? no? sorry! i disturbed.

Assalamualaikum,you bored? yes? cool. later! haha.

oi! you bored? no? ahhh bah.

okay. LALALALA! talked too much no benefits no cash no nothing, lets just PLAY some PS2 board GAMES!


just came back from School! It's a WOW! but not really. xD

okay,ICAS Students! called sudah!

Venue : Dewan Melati.
Time : 11.00Am (be there by 10.45)
When: 22nd July/August 2008.

Things to bring :
  • Pencil 2B/B (?)
  • Eraser
  • Ruler
  • Calculator(Form 1 doesn't need calculator)
  • and whats the other one?

ahh,i forgot to take note of them,its just because of i am too lazy to go there and there and i thought,my brain is enough to remember those notes. and yah, i'm wrong,heh?

weee! P.E! played with Mikasa, Mikasa's player dint show much skills off. and we ended the game after the 1st bell and each player conquered one bench with the fan on it,wehe?! its supposed to be super fun. ;) well,thats what i thinkkk. XD and it's like super-hot! very-hot. ada timenya limbu,"bah,lakastah main" nya si Amal and i started to look at the court and the brightness started to increase and increase and CANCELED! and that happened for several times,like.. bah jangantah! haha!

yah,took a nap arah bench. (just kidding!) haha,that won't happen and will Neva ova happen. cause school is like NOW durang pasang CCTV! oh,too bad if you don't know what it is! and i heard,Teacher Suzy controlled it,yeah! so whenever we met CCTV,we smiled like its a mascot who's taking good care of the CCTV. nah,why would we be afraid since we are like INNOCENT. haha! bahhh.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Pantai Berakas. ;)

haha! inilah pondok kami. XD
jir.. mengalahkan model sunsilk. :D tapi rambut awak tak straight lah,Black shine saja! :D
i dont know if she's a good cooker or not look! angus barang! haha! inda paham aku ah.
in orange,laki teacher Haida. and girls 2C and jirah! ;D
ready for the game! infront of the public! wehee! ;D haha!
salah position tani MAL! tapi lawa jua background nya. x)
amal and JIRAH! weheee.
sabar ewa ah! :D
yeah,US! weheeeeeeee.

i know,after months baru tah te post these pictures, thank me lah. and its either JIRAH and HUDA! thank you thank you! hehe!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pictures of FLAG WAVING.

Fyi,This is not our photographer of the day,well.. he did took our candid pictures! HAHAH!

Dalam bus kecil under the orange lights, amacam? we said,GORGEOUS BACKGROUND! antah kau? haha. bah!

che sibah,uii.. adang eh. behapa tu ah? ada ni! haha! and this is us, aku wah inda mau abis2 begambar! :D




minum dulu ah teacher?

bah,okay tu,minum teacher!

"KACHING!" done. lawa semua. XD






wait. and bla bla bla.

TADAAAA! teacher sambung balik cerita,HAHA! :D kami ani inda mau abis-abis ni. XD

Yeahh! au,inda ku mau abis-abis gambar wah,bukan selalu. inda lagi mau balik tu! haha!

infront of the Royal Regalia! yeah,Wave it!

makan burger wah babe! *au,kau inda tanya. ;D mulut ku mana muat ni,BURGER EXPRESS ani. try it guys! =D

Kids of the FUTURE! yeah. Berjasa ni durang ani arah SULTAN! memeriahkan suasana ulang tahun patik. Patik suka!! kan? ;D bah,inda cali!

see! si Azzah inda mau beranti be gambar. WAVE the FLAG zah! haha! EWA! you don't have to bend your legs,i'm tall too! HAHAHAHAH!

ah,kapala ku teputung. the space was too small. its not the screen! not my face. its the space!!

now Huda, you deserve it! :D haha! well,thats how kami kesampitan! jubur tekeluar out of the space of the seat.

Ishmam ni namanya. haha,err. LOOK! when you pout too much you'll pout wrongly and spoil a photo!

Charles Angels of BRUNEI! haha! cawir.

first picture of the DAY! lapau lapau! weheeeeeeeee.. XD

ahhh. ichy! (=


oh! i think thats enough right? the captions are enough to describe this GOOD post? right right? fine! ignore me.

All right,i have to go now.. 1 more minute till 12PM! so.. wish for something! haha. inda baikk.
*FYI! i deleted most of the posts i posted due to someone's wish! HAHA! like,separuh dah ku delete. from now on,i'm asked to not to talk about anything like humans. so,its gonna be.. JUST ME. haha! well,i dont think so that that wish is fulfilled yet.. sorry! :D *