Friday, July 18, 2008

Pantai Berakas. ;)

haha! inilah pondok kami. XD
jir.. mengalahkan model sunsilk. :D tapi rambut awak tak straight lah,Black shine saja! :D
i dont know if she's a good cooker or not look! angus barang! haha! inda paham aku ah.
in orange,laki teacher Haida. and girls 2C and jirah! ;D
ready for the game! infront of the public! wehee! ;D haha!
salah position tani MAL! tapi lawa jua background nya. x)
amal and JIRAH! weheee.
sabar ewa ah! :D
yeah,US! weheeeeeeee.

i know,after months baru tah te post these pictures, thank me lah. and its either JIRAH and HUDA! thank you thank you! hehe!