Sunday, October 28, 2007


Final Year Exam sudah DATANG! i got orals for ugama and havent memorised anything yet. and i am damn confident about this.i will be pick tu isuk for amali.

Boo hoo hoo!! i didnt came to the ugama's raya~ so i stayed at home with my mum's permission.Woke up straight away,just like i am attending school today. right at 7.30~Went online for half-an-hour. and soo,i did my homeworks especially maths. ATE crunchy coconut milk,nyumss yknow?

Well,i did my history first. followed by maths and decided to memorised all-of-the-coming-out amali's Doa's. Fuhh,just can't do it. not in a mood and time is almost up,like wasting time jua.

so,i edited pictures. Raya Pictures. made it small and tagged it. HAHA. cause my classmates always printed them out,so name is there,where ever you go with my photos,make sure you didnt cut them out.


GOT READY a bit late and met watul&jirah sitting together. woo! look,who's there. watul ah~ menyamal. i guess its because of the chair. and i asked her to CHILL. since i am addicted. ;p

-chill zxch.-