hello. so,whats up everyone. haha,dhafuck. so,i'm here just to update the *lame-boring-lonely-alone-left-aside-blog* haha. get it no. me too!
today i woke up preety late,slept with the bitch. *ahh,lame lagii* so,i woke up around 11 plus. pretty late huh. i day-dreamed terus lapas bangun. guess what,I..i.. haha. as i was saying.. I..i.. ah. should i tell you? naaah. umm. i guess i have to. i hate keeping this as a secret! =D and secrets are lame. ahh,guess i'm lame. bahh. straight to the point. i dreamt about my little old guy. ahh. stupid i know. bahh. i told him and he acted like a real bitch. oh no bitch. i hate bitch. i know. aaaah! bah. i'm so not pissed. gagas saja I. oh,guess what. another thing related. the dream! it was very dramatic. god. i wish that,its true. but noooo!! haha. chatted with ace,he said,move on and some other gay texts. :D then.. mum called and i looked like a dork. baru bangun apa kau fikir. huh. then besiap. on the phone i heard,"stangah jam." and i waited,"satu setangah jam." ahh,whoteva. i learnt new cuts today. thanks to magicshadow9,whatever inda jua kau baca. ahhh,i guess i'm messing with my post here. oh. who cares. macam tah ada readers. ;) *winks.
oh atu.. kan i was so depressed about him acting like dha bitch from tha beach oh lame lagi. bah biar tia. =D i texted Kayy. and we talk. yes,craps baby. hahah! hi! =D umm.. i have no idea.
oh atu.. kan i was so depressed about him acting like dha bitch from tha beach oh lame lagi. bah biar tia. =D i texted Kayy. and we talk. yes,craps baby. hahah! hi! =D umm.. i have no idea.
i signed up for YouTube today since i forgot my old account. haha! aku perv dulu. oh,lets just say past is past which arent true. =D and guess what,YouTube recommended me some videos. oh,i love that. guess what. the tutorialist. cool. well,he does look like a teacher from youtube. very babal. haha! with the texts no talks. :D yes,paham kau inda... This Post Came From the Crap of Crabs. ahhh! HAHAHA!!
oh. guess whats in my shopping cart around misfit. Wynn and Split Spades. Akeez kerit tidak mahu beri. XD haha! and Chris,ordered the burned DVD. yeah! i'm so kapihh! so yeah. lets buy the fake one. yay me. =D
is it long? is this long? is it? ahh. bullshit. bahh,getting lame. do you think i should stop right now?
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? did you say yes? or nothing at all? BAHH! haha. what da ya think? am i pissed? crazy? or hyper? the answer is likee.. PISSED+CRAZY+HYPER = CRAPS.
i guess this post is no important maaah. oh,i should tell you about my day today huh! I've been missing some points. left out the important events i did today. whawww!
aku pergi ke mall today. my credit expired! seriously wanted to text kay. kalinya,lupa tia bawa phone! instead i brought my decks. stupid. =.= haha! we shop there. ahaha! i hate shopping for raya. no fun. haha! beli the gelas,pinggan,mangkuk. since i cant buy new shoes,slippers and stuffs. ahah! bah.. mummy,just buy the tudongs for me cos i wont be able to memorise the colours. =D
lepas tu.. Arah Jollibee,no no! aku inda makan sana eh,what the fuck. =D kamii take away. ouh. Pita Sandwich! sedap you know. aku inda puasa wah. so i .. i whaa. =D makan awal. HAHA!
sungkai arah HOLIDAY LODGE with babah's staffs. as usual,met Wani. eyya. orang Menglait kaliahh. =P haha!
then,went to YMRM. ;p pheeeeeewit. nampak those sunglasses! WOOW. my eyes macam te $,$ haha! then,tanya dad,"original kahh ni?" and dad asked one of the staff and she said,"no. but its the first print after the original one" since the prices were like below $30. HAHAHA! okay. so i went.. *boringggggg =.=* haha! and back home.
checked misfit,dont know whats so fun about em sampai ku check up everyday. haha. i need $35 baby. or maybe $50. thats just ENOUGH. eyya! =D alright.
sampai di sini teman ku. loves.
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