Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm sorry man! Haha. I thought that they're no more readers left. Thats the reason why macam kana tinggalkan this blog. oh well.. YOU ACTUALLY MISSED A LOT OF STORIES! haha. well.. but im going to update you alright.

on sunday last week me and the friends beraya. yay! its like convoy. ah cematulah. :D

on thursday last week kami presentation for science ah,successful! :D like satisfied lah gitu. :D

and now.. im going to update you with the latest story.

-The decks which are in my wishlist. seriously im addicted and i cant help it :/
-You have no rights to stop me from playing with these decks.
-They are like the most loyal boyfriend i have ever had and met.
-Huda or Lim Thanks for introducing this to me,never regret. :D XDDD

Here are the list of the decks i want if ada extra budget. :D

TRAGIC ROYALTY because of its rugged ness. :D:D:D:D
Bicycle Fashion Bungalow. blueness oh love. D:D:D:D

I'm sorry man! Haha. I thought that they're no more readers left. Thats the reason why macam kana tinggalkan this blog. oh well.. YOU ACTUALLY MISSED A LOT OF STORIES! haha. well.. but im going to update you alright.

on sunday last week me and the friends beraya. yay! its like convoy. ah cematulah. :D

on thursday last week kami presentation for science ah,successful! :D like satisfied lah gitu. :D

and now.. im going to update you with the latest story.

-The decks which are in my wishlist. seriously im addicted and i cant help it :/
-You have no rights to stop me from playing with these decks.
-They are like the most loyal boyfriend i have ever had and met.
-Huda or Lim Thanks for introducing this to me,never regret. :D XDDD

Here comes the pictures of the most wanted decks..





SMOKE!! :'( not MIRROR. :D:D:D:D:D::D please? =D

I think thats it,thats the main purpose of it all. i love decks. =D

guess what,i lost my Rider Back. pity. nasib jua yang murahan if yang bebelasan,regret ku ih! :D