Thursday, July 31, 2008

to tell or not to tell?

too bad,flu! asked her whats the cause,and she told me its because of the air-conditioner. all over again. yeah, i know air-cond is like the cool thing right. i know. thats the reason why everyone loves it. and i'm right there, there for the same reason. gah! flu man flu. i hate it i hate. gahh! well, unfortunately i still enjoy the passion of cold water! damn it. inda buleh wah inda! haaa,she told me to do the compression thingy which i refused cause it doesnt work when i had my red-eye.. so,i followed the long way. :P first, took my shower with the highest temperature eventhoo i think lah , i made it 60 degree celcius only like hell no, not 100degree! i don't wanna die just because of that stupid reason..
then,ate hot meals.. i ate Maggi. only! :'( haha. i know. and eat it while its still hot. cause were inside the HOT THINGY WATEHVER. ;D wateh baby wateh not whate. HAHA! apakan.

then,ate panadol. haha! so stupid lah ya know, its the soluble thingy.. i put it in the water,daa~ ahh,i was so scared that the solution wont give a good result if i leave it for couple of minutes,yatahh.. drank it immediately. guess what,the tablet balumm hancur banar! damn it! stuck arah somewhere in my neck. like,whatthefuck. then,i hate it. ;P I thought ia masuk arah halkum not marii' haha! thats what my religious teacher told me and will cause me to sleep underground. ;p get it,no? :P

i was so scared i thought that i'm gonna die just because of the soluble panadol. haha! semua ni eh~

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oh,nyway.. i didn't attend ugama this morning and no reasons at all and i guess laa, they think its because of my sickness. which is a "not really". i was supposed to be memorizing amali yesterday. then,sick tia. so i can't really concentrate lah. yatah.. i don't wanna stand outside of the class just because of that,hell no. (; PALUIII.. guess what! ONE MORE SCHOOL DAY LEFT TILL ORALS! like wtfwtf! :'( i didn't hafal half of amali's stuffs you know! me so sad,you no sad? :'(

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oh. school. be a photocopy-machine. ;P searched for answers. then,Jir called me out and i was shocked.. and whoa!! some fans wanted to meet me [no,kidding XD ] and i met them,oh how sweet [apa kes ni? haha!] . okay,wtf! i don't knowwwwwwwwwww.. and the rest of the story? meet me if you are interested..

and followed by the other classes. god,maths.. Me,wani,ummi and Mang yin left aside lagi. well, we're still having fun! :') haha , focus too much on the exercise. glad to have the same answers like them all. ;P

oh. ICT! computer ku ah, antah be Virus kali nya. aku click refresh sekali. keluar 60 Windows! palui. ehh,ku off eh. just leave it. ;D

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weee. i'm still sick,no one knows that I'm happy inside [just kidding,okay okay?] gahh! ;'(

The end of my three random posts.